Tourism Development

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The promotion and development of tourism is one of the primary goals of the Tourism Commission, which is well understood by Knight Frank. We are poised to present a “unique” local flavor that will sustain the community while capturing the tourism element to improve its return on investment. Economic activity will be enhanced as we infuse tourism revenue into the local economy. Some of our services include:

Healthcare & Wellness Tourism

Healthcare Tourism is an emerging unique concept in the travel and tourism industry. It is playing a pivotal role in the larger tourism industry. Healthcare & Wellness tourism represents a worldwide, multibillion-dollar phenomenon that is expected to grow considerably in the next decade. The emerging terrain of Healthcare & Wellness tourism is increasing day by day where large numbers of people are traveling for treatment every year. Healthcare & Wellness tourism helps in the development of the economy and living standards of the human civilization.

There are great opportunities for destinations to develop themselves as healthcare and wellness destinations and position in a way to leverage the opportunities present in this rapidly growing industry. In the contemporary timeframe, millions of people travel overseas for treatment due to various factors like cost effectiveness, increased quality, less waiting time, availability of treatment, alternative therapies and natural endowments.